Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Well Halloween has come again...
 October has made its way round, and before I even fully saw its face, 
it has already made plans to be on its way...
 Pumpkins and squash have hit their peek, and now are resting until either, they will be consumed as food, carved into lanterns or perhaps just left to become compost that will help build the soil for plantings to come...
 We made pumpkin doughnuts… the recipe of which is right here
The kids spent yesterday afternoon carving scary faces on their chosen pumpkins… 
I think this might be the first year each of them could could actually carve their own pumpkin… Wow!)
 And then there are these little guys, so oblivious of the haunting and sweets 
gathering that is about to happen!!

                                                       Happy Halloween !!! ~  Marica

Also blogged at

Monday, October 22, 2012

Getting Back in the Swing...

I ask myself this constantly… Where does time go???  Is it really, now, late October? The kids keep reminding me that there is just a short, short while before Halloween will be here, and hence, costumes will need to be finished. I say finished like I have already started… No no, they are still just a jumble of ideas… I think a lot of black cloth is involved though. 

But for this moment, I just want to catch up...
Our year has begun...
 The work has started...
I look out my kitchen window to see this...
I spend a short bit of time at my living-room-table over seeing these squiggly lines becoming letters...
 And notice how quickly they become so much more fluid and clear...
It's all coming together...
Our pattern is falling into place…
Or so I tell myself…

                                                                                   ~ Marica

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